「The HAT magazine」 Issue44

Jan/Feb/March 2010掲載
サン・キャトリーヌ アベック タロ(平野徳太郎のブティック)40周年掲載。

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京都のSTUDIO HIRANO KOTO JAPONで開きました。50人がその素晴らしいパーティー
に参加しました。Lourent VERGAIN Alliance France館長、jean Paul Olivier Institute Franco-
Japonais du Kansai館長、大学教授、ヘアーデザイナー、スタジオの研究生。


40 YEARS YOUNG!(上記 記事訳)
これを記念して、2009年12月25日〜27日の3日間の間、”The Contemporary
私達は平野徳太郎 紀子夫妻に温かなお祝いの言葉を贈るとともに、これからの40年の



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 プロ養成帽子教室STUDIO HIRANO KYOTO JAPONは、1994年、平野徳太郎氏によって、彼の帽子作りのノウハウを若い世代に伝えるという目的のために設立された。この学校は、日本における帽子のクリエーションの殿堂として知られており、こうした分野においては、日本で唯一の機関である。
 京都の祇園生まれの平野徳太郎氏は、デザイナーとして、早くから活躍し始めた。その後、彼はパリのエスモードでモードに関する意識をより深めていった。40年来、帽子の魅力に彼は魅せられ続けている。京都の伝統文化によて培われ、類も稀なるモダンさによって高められた彼のクリエーションは、目の肥えたフランス人から絶え間ない賞賛を浴びている。彼の妻でありモディストの、紀子夫人とともに、彼らの研修生に、スパートリー(※1)、トワール・ゴメ(※ 2)、固められたチップ(※3)を用いた帽子の技術を教えている。


巨匠のアトリエでもあるところのSTUDIO HIRANO KYOTO JAPONは、有名な寺院、銀閣寺の近くの静かな住宅街に位置している。20年前に建てられたアトリエは、小さな水路べりにある。春、そよ風に桜の花がゆれ、その後その花びらが水路を流れていくさまは、美しい一枚の絵を見るようだ。この独自のスタイルによってひときわ目立つアトリエを前にした際、頭に浮かぶ言葉は、エレガンスさと洗練だ。

STUDIO HIPANO KYOTO JAPONでは、特別授業という形で、スパートリーの技術を教えている。


Email : tokutaro1@mac.com


CHAPMOD Numero 42,Autimne 2009

Studio Hirano, Kyoto, Japan

Studio Hirano, the school for professional hat designers, was established in 1994 by Tokutaro Hirano in order to disseminate his expertise in hat design to younger generations. The school is known as the most important institute of hat creation and the only training school of this kind in Japan.

Tokutaro Hirano, born in Gion quarter in Kyoto, started his career as a hat designer when he was still young. He, then, went to Paris to study at the ESMODE school to gain more insights into fashion. Mr. Hirano has been enchanted by the charm of hats for forty years since. His sophisticated modern design, nurtured by the traditional culture of Kyoto, is constantly admired by French connoisseurs. Together with his wife, Noriko, also a hat designer, Mr. Hirano teaches students design techniques, using sparterie,¹toile gommee² and type barde³.

Over the years, Mr. and Mrs. Hirano led many of their students to win prizes in prestigious international hat contests. Most recently, at the Chazelles-sur-Lyon International Contest, held in last May, his students were again among the winners; the Original Prize was awarded to Motoko Sasako, and the Jury’s Prize to Setsuko Kato.

As a great master of hat designers in Japan, Mr. Hirano came from Kyoto to the award ceremony to celebrate his students. At that time, he indicated that he was committed to disseminate his techniques, sparterie in particular, to his students.

“We have taught our techniques at the Lycee Octave Feuillet in Paris. We must disseminate our know-how to the next generation of ‘modistes’ (hat designers) by all means. At the same time, it is also important to use visual images to teach expertise, theories and philosophies on hats. Fortunately, our son, who has received a doctor’s degree from the University of Paris, has joined our activities. We aim at producing world-class hat designers.”

Located in the quiet residential area near the famous Ginkakuji Temple, Studio Hirano also serves as Mr. Hirano’s atelier. Constructed twenty years ago, it is situated by a small river. In springtime, cherry blossoms sway in a breeze and pink petals flow on the water; the whole scene is so beautiful like a picture. Facing the atelier, whose style is quite unique and conspicuous, you may recall the words, “elegant” and “refined.”

In Studio Hirano, they teach the technique of sparterie in a special course.


1.Sparterie is the plant material manufactured in Japan. It is made by cutting woody part of Imonoki (Manihot esculenta) into thin strips, weaving them into cloth (or rice stems woven by hand) and sticking a piece of muslin to it with paste. There is also a sparterie made of the artificial material, cellulose. Because of the combination of different materials, sparterie is flexible and can be shaped into various forms. Sparterie is molded or arranged by hand like a sculpture to be a base for a hat. Some are covered by fabric, and others are hardened by glue and used as a type barde.

2.Jute cloth hardened by glue-like goagulant. It is used for sets and props for the theater. Some are covered by fabric, and some are hardened by glue and used as a type barde.

3.It involves a lot of time and effort to make a mold with sparterie and toile gommee. A type barde is used just like a wooden pattern of hat. It is not as strong as a wooden pattern, but can be used to make a customized hat.


日本繊維新聞 60周年





「The HAT magazine」 Issue42

July/Aug/Sept 2009掲載


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「33」Carole Denford et Tokutaro HIRANO
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笹子素子Motoko SASAKO 加藤節子 Setsuko KATO 金澤さつきSatsuki KANAZAWA
上野ひろえHiroe UENO 掲載The HAT magazine carries the works of the exhibition.



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フランス リヨン帽子美術館コンクール2009関連記事

200907lyon_t01.jpg 200907lyon_t02.jpg「繊研新聞」掲載記事
